Upgrading to 1.0


CommonJS and UMD bundles now need a .default added to your imports.

// CJS
var undoable = require("redux-undo").default;

// UMD
var undoable = window.ReduxUndo.default;

ES6 imports should work as expected.

import undoable from "redux-undo";

distinctState() filter applied by default

In 1.0 and greater, state is only added to history if it is different than the previous state (checked by object reference equality ===). The distinctState() filter is now deprecated and removed as there is no need for it.

History API change in versions < 0.4

In versions 0.3 and earlier, the history state was stored in the form.

  currentState: {...currentStateHere...},
  history: {
    past: [...pastStatesHere...],
    present: {...currentStateHere...},
    future: [...futureStatesHere...]

In versions 0.4 and greater, the full history is exposed directly.

  past: [...pastStatesHere...],
  present: {...currentStateHere...},
  future: [...futureStatesHere...]


Before 1.0, you would pass an initialState or initialHistory as a config option.

undoable(myReducer, {
  initialState: {
    myState: "initial",
    otherField: true
  // or initialHistory with past, present, and future

Now, these options are removed in favor of Redux's preloadedState parameter.

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  root: undoable(myReducer)

const store = createStore(rootReducer, {
  root: {
    myState: "initial",
    otherField: true

When providing initial state, redux-undo will automatically detect whether or not it is a complete history (with past, present, future) or not. If it is not, it will automatically convert it to one.

If you wish to provide an initial history, e.g. you want to prefill past to recover a previous session, you must provide all three fields for redux-undo to recognize it as a history object.

const store = createStore(rootReducer, {
  root: {
    past: ["from", "previous", "session"],
    present: "now"
    // `future` not provided!! Redux-undo will not recognize this as a history
    // and will instead set present = {past: [...], present: 'now'}

    // To fix, pass `future: []`

For information about initialState with typescript, look here.

0.X behaviour for pushing filtered state into history, and the syncFilter option

When dealing with filtered state, the old behaviour was to keep track of the "trailing" state (state 4 in this example).

initial action: Initial state
included action: state 1 - add initial state to history
included action: state 2 - add state 1 to history
filtered action: state 3 - do nothing
filtered action: state 4 - do nothing
included action: state 5 - add state 4 to history

However, states 3 and 4 were the result of filtered actions and should probably not be added to history. Instead, state 2 should be the last state pushed into history. Using _latestUnfiltered, this is now the default in 1.X

initial action: Initial state
included action: state 1 - add initial state to history
included action: state 2 - add state 1 to history
filtered action: state 3 - store state 2 in _latestUnfiltered
filtered action: state 4 - do nothing
included action: state 5 - add _latestUnfiltered (state 2) to history

If you still need to old behaviour, use the syncFilter option.

undoable(myReducer, { syncFilter: true })

Last updated

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