Undoing/redoing batches of actions at a time

This is an example of how to use custom groupBy to undo-redo a batch of actions at the same time.

This method remains the ability to group by action types but also enables us to group a batch of actions.

For example, an onClick event handler may dispatch a batch of actions. My way is to surround the batch of actions with start() and end().

import { batchGroupBy } from './batchGroupBy'

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
  onClick: (evt) => {



The basic idea is that once batch.start(), all the subsequent actions will return the same group value until meet batch.end(). Then redux-undo will automatically save them in one group, without inserting a new state in the past array.

// batchGroupBy.js

import { groupByActionTypes } from 'redux-undo'

export const batchGroupBy = {
  _group: null,
  start(group = cuid()) {
    this._group = group
  end() {
    this._group = null
  init(rawActions) {
    const defaultGroupBy = groupByActionTypes(rawActions)
    return (action) => this._group || defaultGroupBy(action)

Note that we create a unique id whenever we call batch.start(). In such case, if two batches are called back-to-back, they have different group values so that they will be stored in two states, rather than one state.

Then we can config the reducer like below:

import { batchGroupBy } from './batchGroupBy'

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  ui: uiReducer,
  document: undoable(documentReducer, {
    groupBy: batchGroupBy.init([SOME_ACTION])

An array of action types can be passed into init(), which keeps the ability of grouping by action types if they are not within the scope of start() and end().

Last updated

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